Advanced Cat & Dog Surgeries in Pewaukee, WI
At Pewaukee Veterinary Service, we know that cate and dog surgeries are a big deal not only for your pet but for you, too. Our animal hospital provides the care, compassion, and expertise capable of putting your mind at ease. While most of our veterinarians perform a wide range of soft tissue surgeries, Dr. Jeff Baker has extensive experience in performing orthopedic procedures. Additionally, we have the diagnostic equipment and rehabilitation programs to make your pet’s veterinary surgery as painless and recovery as smooth as possible.
Diagnostics Tools for Informed Decisions
Determining the right time for surgery can be difficult, and nearly impossible, without diagnostic imaging and lab work. X-rays and ultrasound are especially important in visualizing your pet’s internal structures for abnormalities, inflammation, and dysfunction so we can develop a precise surgical plan.
Think your pet would benefit from veterinary surgery?
Schedule a consultation appointment today!
or call (262) 347-0787.
Cat & Dog Surgeries We Perform
We've compiled a list of surgeries we typically perform, but the true list is much longer! No matter what surgery your pet needs, talk to us!
These surgeries involve soft tissues such as skin, muscle, and organs. Common procedures include:
- Mass and tumor removals
- Spay and neuter
- Cystotomies (bladder surgery)
- Abdominal surgeries
- Foreign body removal
- Eye surgeries
Orthopedic surgeries are those done on bones and joints. They are more advanced and often require a more intensive rehabilitation program, which we are able to offer in-house. Common surgeries we perform include:
- Cranial cruciate ligament repairs
- Fracture repairs
- Hip dysplasia corrections
- Patella luxation repairs
Scope procedures can be performed on the digestive tract, soft tissue, or joints and provide a less-invasive option for surgery. Scope procedures involve the use of a small flexible or rigid scope that is inserted into body cavities or small surgical incisions. The scope has a tiny camera on the tip which allows your veterinary surgeon to perform the surgery to an even higher degree of precision. Additionally, it significantly reduces your pet’s recovery by decreasing the risks of bleeding, swelling, infection, and more.
Different scope procedures have different names and some of the common ones we perform include:
This involves a long flexible scope down the throat and into the esophagus, stomach, and intestine. This procedure is valuable for seeing the stomach, and can also be used to retrieve objects pets have eaten
This involves a flexible scope used to view your pet's colon and parts of the intestine.
This refers to a rigid scope inserted into a small incision in the abdomen for abdominal surgery, including spays for females
This also uses a rigid scope inserted into small incisions for joint surgeries, including many of our common orthopedic procedure
Our Safety Protocols
Your pet is a precious member of your family who deserves to be treated that way. We take every precaution necessary to ensure their safety from the start of anesthesia to their recovery. Our safety protocols include:
- Pre-anesthetic bloodwork and an exam to check the health of their liver and kidneys, which play a key role in metabolizing the anesthesia
- IV catheter to supply them with fluids to keep them hydrated and regulate their blood pressure
- Extensive vitals monitoring with equipment that tracks their heart rate and rhythm, respiratory rate, pulse oximetry, blood pressure, body temperature, and more
- A trained technician dedicated to monitoring your pet from admittance to release
- Pain medications before, during, and after surgery to minimize discomfort and aid in a smoother recovery
The Many Forms of Rehabilitation
Post-op care doesn't have to only include pain meds. Pewaukee Veterinary Service offers a wide range of physical therapy and other rehab options that help pets recovering from cat and dog surgeries. Our therapy options help with pain management and greater mobility. Your veterinarian will talk to you about your pet’s options at their release from surgery.
Request a consultation by calling us at (262) 347-0787 or make an appointment online.