Why Cats and Dogs Need Year-Round Flea, Tick & Heartworm Prevention in Pewaukee
Our dogs and cats are vulnerable to parasites such as fleas, ticks, heartworms, and intestinal worms, which they can easily encounter when hiking in the woods, swimming in rivers, or lakes, and even in our back yards! At Pewaukee Veterinary Service, we put a strong emphasis on preventative care, and parasite prevention is a big part of that! With year-round parasite prevention, you give your pet the highest level of protection possible against these potentially dangerous parasites.

A Closer Look at The Dangers of Pet Parasites
Pet parasites don't always completely die out in winter, and the reappearance of seasonal parasites like heartworms (carried by mosquitoes) is difficult to predict each year. Find out the dangers these pests pose and why we recommend year-long prevention!
Fleas live in your pet’s coat and feed on their blood. In sensitive pets, even one flea bite can cause an allergic reaction of itchy, irritated skin. Other dangers these parasites pose include the transmission of Bartonella (cat scratch disease) or tapeworm larvae. Both Bartonella and tapeworms can also infect your human family! Since fleas are notoriously hard to get rid of, any lapse of flea prevention could induce a resurgence. With consistent prevention as well as thorough cleaning of your pet’s bedding, your furniture, carpets, and any other place fleas could be hiding, you can keep these pests at bay!

Protect Your Pets with Year-Round Parasite Prevention
Preventing these parasites is as easy as staying consistent with your pet’s flea, tick, and heartworm prevention. Many preventatives that protect against fleas, ticks, and heartworms also protect against intestinal parasites. Common preventatives include Heartgard, NexGard, Bravecto, ProHeart 6 or 12 (for dogs only) and Revolution (for cats only). Additionally, we also offer the Lyme disease vaccination for dogs, which gives them one more level of protection against this disease.
Make an appointment with us today to discuss the best parasite prevention option for you and your pet! Call us at (262) 347-0787 or schedule your visit online!